Tabula – Software to extract tables from PDFs

What is it? Tabula is a Free and Open Source Software that is Java-based and works on GNU/Linux, Windows and Mac. It works completely offline and does not need any cloud accounts or sign-in. What does it do? Tabula extracts tables out of PDF files and converts them to Comma Separated Values (CSV) files or… Continue reading Tabula – Software to extract tables from PDFs

‘Working with Data’ – 1

In the Non-profit sector, where I work, handling data is a task routinely done by many. The main constraint still remains the person actually confronted with the data and their capacity to work with it. Newer and more sophisticated tools still demand from us a good understanding of the basic principles of handling data, that were needed when we were using older technology.

O Browser! Where art thou?

In terms of compliance with HTML 5 standards that is! Okay, agreed that not knowing this is not giving you any sleepless nights, nor is it to me for that matter. But if you see this visualisation, then you will agree that it is a nice example of how interestingly you can present data. One… Continue reading O Browser! Where art thou?